Note: New books are added to the digital list throughout the month. Paper / PDF copies are released quarterly.
To view online list for reserves, click on the following:
OCTOBER – Adult Non-Fiction ANF
OCTOBER – Young Adult YA (Includes Fiction and Non-Fiction Selections)
SEPTEMBER – Adult Fiction AF (Includes Large Print LP and Graphic Novel GRA Selections)
SEPTEMBER – Adult Fiction Paperbacks PB (Includes General, Romance and Western Selections)
SEPTEMBER – Adult Non-Fiction ANF
SEPTEMBER – Young Adult YA (Includes Fiction and Non-Fiction Selections)
AUGUST – Adult Fiction AF (Includes Large Print LP and Graphic Novel GRA Selection)
AUGUST – Adult Ficiton Paperbacks PB (Includes General, Romance and Western Selections)
AUGUST – Adult Non-Fiction ANF
AUGUST – YA (Includes Fiction and Non-Fiction Selections)