Fiction is shelved in alphabetical order by the author’s last name
Non-fiction is organized by the numerical dewey decimal system beginning with 001 and ending with 999, followed by the first three letters of the author’s last name
Junior picture books are organized within each letter of the alphabet (using the author’s last name)
Magazines are shelved in title order
Paperbacks are organized by year and then by the month they are put on the shelf. Each year has its own coloured label with the month noted on each label
Fiction DVD movies are grouped by the accession number in sections of 100 – i.e.: DVD AF 172
Fiction CD audio books are roughly arranged by the author’s last name

Basic Call Numbers
001 – 999 – Adult Non-Fiction
J 001 – J 999 – Junior Non-Fiction
YA 001 – YA 999 –
Young Adult Non-Fiction
 – Junior Picture Books
FL JP – French Language Junior Picture Books
J – Junior Fiction
YA – Young Adult Fiction
AF – Adult Fiction
AS – Adult Magazine
JS – Junior Magazine

Additional Categories
PBK –  Paperback
LP – Large Print
FL – French Language
GRA – Graphic Novels/Manga/Comic Strips
BC – Behind Counter
RES – Restricted Use
REF – Reference
CDA – CD Audio Books

Additional categories precede a basic call number to designate a sub-category, for example:
LP AF – Large Print Adult Fiction
GL 001.945 – German Language Non-Fiction
CDA AF – CD Audio Book Adult Fiction

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